IP Location API Usage
Very simple. Get all geolocation information about an IP address in JSON, JSONP and CSV format through our API.
Free usage with max 20 requests per minute for backend requests. For use on a website the limit is 10,000 requests per month. Free usage includes HTTP and secure HTTPS requests!
You need an API key to make requests.
Sign-up for a Package to get your API Key.
Need more requests? Sign-up for the Pro or Ultra Package.
We block IPs and websites going over the limits, get the Pro Package if your requests are important!
What sets us apart from the other IP location lookup API services?
We return back the IP Type which can be 'Business', 'Education' or 'Residential'. As well as the full resolved IP Name. If the IP is a business or education we also return the Business/Edu Name and Business/Edu Website when available.
Use it for:
- Geolocating
- Serve different content to different geo regions
- Show regional languages and currencies
- Personalize with extra local info, eg. 'Available in Los Angeles'
- Geofencing
- Add Geolocation data to Matomo and other analytics software
- Extend traffic and server logs with Geolocation data
- Use our IP API in Google Optimize, Optimizely, VWO and many others
- Business
- Show extra or different content to Business Visitors
- Auto-fill or add assists to contact forms with:
- Company Name
- Company Website
- Company Email address
- Add hidden input fields with company details to:
- Newsletter Signup Forms
- MailChimp Signup Forms
- Download Forms
- Lead Generation Forms
- Extend traffic and server logs
- Analyze server logs, filter out just the companies using your website or service
- Email yourself when a Business is visiting your website
- Add Business visitor data to Google Analytics and other analytics software
- Extend traffic and server logs with Business data
- How to Exclude and Block ISP and Bots in Google Analytics
- How to get Service Provider back in Google Analytics 4
- How to get Business Leads Reported in Google Analytics 4
Want assistance implementing this? Send us an email.
Replace key=demo with your API key: Get your API key.
Replace key=demo with your API key: Get your API key.
getIP = Javascript function to call when loaded.
Replace key=demo with your API key: Get your API key.
Replace key=demo with your API key: Get your API key.
status, query, ipName, ipType, businessName, businessWebsite, continent, countryCode, country, region, city, lat, lon, org, isp.
Replace key=demo with your API key: Get your API key.
status, query, ipName, ipType, businessName, businessWebsite, continent, countryCode, country, region, city, lat, lon, org, isp
Replace key=demo with your API key: Get your API key.
Output Schema:
query | Client IP address or IP address specified |
ipType | Business, Education or Residential (Residential is an IP address from an Internet, Hosting or Cloud provider) |
businessName | Name of Business / Education Organization |
businessWebsite | Website domain of Business / Education Organization |
asn | Pro & Ultra Feature! Autonomous System Number (ASN) |
asnName | Pro & Ultra Feature! ASN Name |
asnOrg | Pro & Ultra Feature! ASN Organization |
continent | Name of the Continent |
countryCode | Two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code |
country | Name of the country |
region | Name of the region |
city | Name of the city |
lat | Latitude |
lon | Longitude |
ipName | Resolved IP Name |
org | Organization Name |
isp | ISP Name |
timezone | Pro & Ultra Feature! Samples: America/Chicago, Europe/London, see all on Wikipedia |
utcOffset | Pro & Ultra Feature! Samples: -10:00, +02:00 |
status | Success or fail |
message | Extra status message if fail |
Businesses in the following countries are recognized:
Our IP API returns geo information from every country in the world. The ipType will return Business or Education only for the following countries:
North America | Europe | Oceania | |
IP Lookup with Javascript using JSONP:
<div id="ipLookup"></div>
function getIP(json) {
if (json.country && json.city) {
var div = document.getElementById('ipLookup');
div.innerHTML='Location of '+json.query+': '+json.city+', '+json.country+'';
<script src="https://extreme-ip-lookup.com/json/?callback=getIP&key=demo" async defer></script>
IP Lookup with JQuery using JSON:
<div id="ipLookup"></div>
$(function() {
function(json) {
if (json.country && json.city) {
$('#ipLookup').html('Location of '+json.query+': '+json.city+', '+json.country+'');
IP Lookup with PHP using JSON:
$user_ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
$geo = json_decode(file_get_contents("https://extreme-ip-lookup.com/json/$user_ip?key=demo"));
$country = $geo->country;
$city = $geo->city;
$ipType = $geo->ipType;
$businessName = $geo->businessName;
$businessWebsite = $geo->businessWebsite;
echo "Location of $user_ip: $city, $country\n";
IP Lookup with Python 3 using JSON:
import json
from urllib.request import urlopen
response = urlopen("https://extreme-ip-lookup.com/json/")
geo = json.load(response)
IP Lookup with Python < 3 using JSON:
import urllib2
import json
response = urllib2.urlopen("https://extreme-ip-lookup.com/json/")
geo = json.load(response)
print geo["country"]
print geo["ipType"]
print geo["city"]
print geo["businessName"]
IP Lookup with Perl using JSON:
use LWP::UserAgent;
use JSON;
$ua = new LWP::UserAgent();
$get = $ua->get('https://extreme-ip-lookup.com/json/')->content;
$geo = decode_json $get;
print "Location of $geo->{'query'}: $geo->{'city'}, $geo->{'country'}\n";
IP Lookup with Curl using CSV:
curl 'https://extreme-ip-lookup.com/csv/'
success,,proxy.sandhills.com,Business,"Sandhills Publishing Company",www.sandhills.com,"North America",US,"United States",Nebraska,Lincoln,40.8615,-96.7119,"Sandhills Publishing Company","Sandhills Publishing"